Scorecards need to be collected from the admin building before the start of each game (any member/representative of either team can collect the scorecard 20mins prior to your game time).
There is no home team for scoring, anyone can score and it is recommended that a delegate from each team, stand together in the middle of the court area & score together.
No swapping of the scoresheet is allowed, one scorer per game is required.
To complete, players need to have their names ticked off to signify playing. Leaving a players name blank will indicate that they are away and not playing.
If a player is playing up for your team, please ensure you include their name, team and grade details to the card. Remember to tick their name too.
Fines and loss of competition points will apply to a team if the scorecard is not filled in correctly.
It is every player & parents responsibility to learn to fill in the scoresheet correctly.
For more information please follow this guide on how to fill in score sheets or ask a BUNC Committee member to assist or go to the admin building and ask an Inner West Rep.